Join me today as I talk with Debbie Tropauer, a local resident of Williamson County, Tennessee and a former nurse at Williamson Medical Center. Debbie bravely shares her story of dealing with the unthinkable loss of a child and how Dr. Malchow and the AMG Ketamine & Wellness Center has brought her back to life.
Nine years ago, Debbie and her family suffered a tremendous loss, a horrific trauma. They lost their son Ryan as a result of a freak accident. Ryan and his friends were doing something they had done dozens of times- heading to the neighborhood pool on their golf cart. In an instant, a tire blowout changed the lives of Debbie, her family and Ryan and his friends.
Debbie, for nine years prior to finding Dr. Malchow and his team at AMG Ketamine & Wellness Center was living in internal hell. She isolated herself from friends, family, and gave up her career as a nurse. Her family suffered not only the loss of Ryan but the loss of their Mom, sister, aunt, wife, and daughter. The amazing person Debbie they once called Ms. Sunshine, so alive, happy, nurturing and living a full life was gone.
Today thank you to Dr Malchow and his team at AMG Ketamine & Wellness Center Debbie is back! Debbie is now a walking, talking living testimonial of the power of Ketamine treatments. She agreed to be a guest on our podcast Inside Story Hunters as a way for her to help inspire and support others that have and continue to suffer from anxiety, depression, chronic pain, opiate addiction, PTSD and more.