Getting Started With Treatments

Your Consultation

  • Make An Appointment

    Click or Call (615) 813-5006 to make an appointment for a comprehensive medical evaluation

  • Patient Portal & Intake Forms

    We will provide you with a link for our Breeze Patient Portal to facilitate the completion of several Patient Intake Forms

  • Assessment Forms

    We will send you specific assessment forms for depression, PTSD, anxiety, and/or chronic pain that you can complete quickly and easily on a smartphone or similar device.

  • No Referral Needed

    You do not need to have a referral for your consultation, but it does provide us with more complete information about your health.

Meet with a Physician

  • Allow an hour for your consultation.
  • During this time, our physician will answer any questions you have.
  • Feel free to bring a family member or friend to accompany you to your consultation, if you wish.

Schedule And Receive Your First Treatment

  • If treatment is recommended, you can schedule your first infusion upon completion of your consultation with a Tennessee Ketamine & Wellness Center Anesthesiologist or at any time by calling (615) 813-5006.
  • Visit the Treatment Day page for specific instructions to follow for your treatment appointment.
  • Payment is required before your treatment begins. Financing is available.
nasal ketamine therapy in franklin tn


Find answers to your questions about Ketamine Infusion Therapy.


Treatment Day

Follow these steps to be ready for your treatment.

Health Professionals

We can work together to provide care for your patients.
